Thursday, August 20, 2009

Wallace Falls

We made it just to the lower falls and back. Just over 3.5 miles round trip. Some of it was pretty well sloped! Can't really call it steep... but it made for a good work out. (Thanks Kristen for the recommendation... it was perfect!)

The moss on this tree was so thick that it actually caused the branch above Jordan to bend to the ground. Oh yeah and Cute Baby!

Look at those trees! The picture does not adequately show how much they looked like some bizarre and incredible muppet monster. I've never seen so much moss in my life!

I think the pictures speak for themselves but one thing worth mentioning is that we were able to take our little dog Silas. That guy is such a trooper. It was a lot of work for a dog that spends the majority of his day napping. He (like us) was a little sore and stiff the next day and it showed!

I got a great book from my mother-in-law detailing more family friendly hikes in the area. We're hoping to make it a regular activity for our family. Maybe there are some benefits to living in the drizzly Pacific Northwest after all...

Oh yeah. there's a picture of my once-dark-purple-and-now-faded-to-hot-pink-hair. For those that have been asking...

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