Hey! Guess what? I managed to keep things going around here for a whole year! So far Adelle has not been irreversibly ruined, maimed, or forced to eat peas. But I confess, I did try to force her to eat a cupcake. It required lots of force and ended in tears. What the heck! It was her birthday and people had traveled to see her, and bought her presents, and sang to her and helped her blow out the candle! .... and I had stayed up the night before to make the stupid cupcakes. (Jordan even helped!) She is still my Sweet Potato Baby and is interested in little else. In fact, she is unwilling to eat anything that is not the same texture as watered-down pureed sweet potatoes. So that one little grain of soft and over-cooked rice that's in her sweet potatoes will induce a screaming fit of epic proportions. She will actually eat around it and spit out the rice. and then scream at you.
The pictures from her birthday are unremarkable. She doesn't get her usual naps on Sundays and was a little cranky. But let me assure you that she LOVES her birthday presents and the songs that they sing over and over every time you push their buttons. It's so funny to watch her dance while her little pink teapot sings, "Time to share a pot of tea some for you some for me let's take turns and always say please and thank you!" (this is to the tune of London Bridge is Falling Down.)
In other news...
that's right. It's back. The squinch face. A while back Adelle had a stuffy nose and I guess in an effort to clear her sinuses was huffing and puffing with her face squinched and I laughed because it looked hilarious. Now Adelle runs around huffing and puffing like this when she's excited and wants to be funny. She likes to do it with her forehead against mine. Trust me when I tell you it's even funnier close up.
Here's a parting shot of Adelle at our Sulzen Family reunion in Flagstaff. My sister Karen did such a great job planning everything and I was especially glad she included so much time in water. Adelle is a water baby! check out the evidence below...
Here's a pic of all the clan at the reunion playing super fun party games!
Love the water baby picture! That is hilarious about her 1st birthday. It always seems to be thus on the 1st. The parents are way more excited than the kid. Garner threw a screaming fit while surrounded by his singing friends and family. Fast forward to this year, turning 5 in one week. It will be a superhero party, with friends and all. It will rock.