Fall has arrived has given me another reason to appreciate the schedule of a stay at home mom. There's not a lot to love since I work where I live and the hours are rough. (yes, I was awake at 2 am trying to find a binky in the dark.) However it is a portable job and on the rare occasion the sun chooses to shine I am not stuck behind a desk or with my face pressed against the glass of the nearest available window. Adelle and I take walks everyday (rain or shine as a matter of fact) and we've been enjoying the carpet of colorful leaves and all the wild and wacky mushrooms that are growing around here.
I've also become addicted to baking bread. Luckily, as my waistline implies, I also love to eat bread. I recently visited my sister Ann in Utah. She's living in a super swanky place with the kitchen pictured below. The focus here is obviously on the fact that Adelle loved to run around this kitchen and chase Ann - something she won't do for anyone else. But I loved that Adelle was busy and I could bake bread. It's a little more difficult at home but that's why we have a singing teapot. Or at the very least Yo Gabba Gabba. A bizarre kids television show that amuses me and Adelle loves almost as much as her daddy.
Adelle yammers and babbles a lot now in addition to saying words like: hi, hey, yeah-yeah, dog, ball, uh-oh, yay, and dada. Dada being the most important word as we learned on Sunday when she cried and led Jordan around by the hand while calling out, "DA DA!" over and over. All the while Jordan was reassuring her, "yes, Adelle. I'm right here." I was in another room on the phone and when she finally found me she was so happy to see me (for once!) She stopped crying immediately. I guess my name is dada, too.
oh, and also "Ba-ba-ba" which is what she says when she wants us to sing "Barbra Ann" by the Beach Boys. She absolutely loves that song. I told you she had her own taste in music.
yummie yummie bread i want some please. and no once a month is not enough. i must have more. more pictures and more mary cleverness. i love to read you. and i can not stand being so far away from your cutie pie unless i have some more blog entries... ok... please...